BetterSelf Coaching

From Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery
Navigate the Journey to Self-Discovery and Empowerment
If you've ever felt stuck in life, burdened by the weight of expectations from others, or lost in the struggle to find your own path, you’re not alone. These experiences can manifest in various ways—perhaps through the pressure to meet unattainable standards at work, the strain of family disapproval in your personal life, or the overwhelming sense of not knowing what you truly want. These challenges are more than just obstacles; they are opportunities to tune into your inner self and ask, "What do I truly want for my life?"

At BetterSelf, we understand that these struggles often stem from deeper feelings of self-doubt, insecurity, and a lack of autonomy. Our coaching services are designed to guide you through these challenging moments, helping you to understand your needs, set boundaries, and reclaim control over your life.
Our Services
One-on-One Coaching
When you feel like you’re failing to meet expectations—whether at work or in your personal life—it’s often a sign that something deeper is at play. Perhaps your boss has criticized your communication or teamwork skills, or maybe your family disapproves of your personal choices, leaving you feeling torn between your own desires and their expectations.

Our One-on-One Coaching sessions are designed to help you navigate these complex emotions. Through personalized guidance, we help you understand the root causes of your struggles and develop strategies to overcome them. These sessions offer a safe space to explore your feelings of self-doubt, build self-confidence, and gain clarity on your goals.
Session Details:
  • Format: In-person / Online
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Focus Areas: Confidence building, goal setting, emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and more
Project Self-Mastery
For those who feel overwhelmed by the challenges in their life, our Project Self-Mastery offers an intensive, structured approach to self-improvement. This 5-week program is designed for individuals who are ready to make significant changes in their lives but need guidance on how to start.

Through a combination of personalized coaching and hands-on projects, you’ll work on real-life challenges that are holding you back. Whether it’s improving your performance at work, navigating family conflicts, or finding your life’s direction, this program will help you gain the skills and confidence you need to take control of your life.
Session Details:
  • Format: Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions + guided project work
  • Duration: 5 weeks
  • Focus Areas: Goal execution, skill development, personal growth, career advancement
Our Coach
Meet Wei Ching,
Your BetterSelf Coach
Wei Ching is a compassionate coach who blends coaching with process work methodology to help you navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence. Her approach goes beyond goal-setting, focusing on understanding the deeper patterns that shape your behavior and relationships. With her empathetic guidance, you'll explore these patterns, uncover your strengths, and make meaningful changes.

Wei Ching creates a supportive space for you to grow, heal, and transform, empowering you to take control of your life and embrace your authentic self.
I would like to express my gratitude to Wei Ching for being my coach and making this experience so meaningful for me. Wei Ching’s compassionate approach and her experience have helped me face personal challenges, especially when I felt nervous and fearful about speaking in front of others. What I disliked even more was my tendency to doubt myself, questioning whether I could succeed, which affected my confidence.

Wei Ching creates a safe and comfortable communication space, allowing me to open up and express my thoughts. Through her amazing coaching techniques, she helped me discover my strengths and recognize my weaknesses. With her empathetic guidance, I have grown, gained confidence, and learned to embrace myself. 

And now when negative thoughts bring me down or make me feel sad, I can now confidently tell them to 'GO AWAY' and replace them with positive words. 

Thank you once again to Wei Ching and SELF for this incredible opportunity.

If you're looking for a coach who truly cares and can help you discover more about yourself, I highly recommend Wei Ching.

Anita Suhadi

The coach went the extra mile to present her knowledge and practices to me which makes it much clearer to organise my thoughts.

I also discovered my true calling to work on what's important to me even if certain things may not be able to be achieved or succeed.

It was an eye opener for me to have a sense of accomplishment in this short 1 hour of coaching.

Lin Uen Fang