Syakirah’s Journey: Discovering Her Saboteur



September 4, 2024

‍“Saboteur” is a word that was introduced to me by Betterself.

I didn't realize how important it is to know what is sabotaging me from living as I am struggling to live my life.

I was given a quiz form to fill and a saboteur result via email. I probably realize that I'm hyper vigilant and avoidant but I didn't see it as an open mind like seeing it as a saboteur in my life.

I'm taught to think about what I feel before and after. To be honest there's a lot of thinking but it's beneficial and I can get used to it one day.

But for now I'm less fearful of doing mistakes because I've learnt about my saboteurs. I've become more confident in living and also better in observing myself and my improvements.‍

I had an episode where I struggled with depression. And it's easier to see that I'm being avoidant and I can actually overcome this feeling.

I started to see more of my small victories, my super power. My friends Wei Ching and Felicia also checked up on me to see how I'm doing. I totally appreciate it as I have not many friends.

I know this isn't an artwork, but it's a feeling and vision of my emotions getting together making me feel safe.

I don't have to be afraid anymore. I just want to keep living and accepting myself, especially my flaws.

‍Thank you Betterself.


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Interested in joining SELF? We welcome individuals and organizations eager to support our mission. Let's enhance the lives of women, together.